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Navigating You to Better Health

Navigating You To Better Health

What To Expect At Your Appointment


So most of my patients have orthopedic problems or pain of some form.  Therefore first we review your previous medical history and then do orthopedic muscle testing to see which muscles are not functioning properly.

After reviewing all pertinent information and having established what muscles I need to treat then we get started.  Most patients after I put the first needle in say is that all there is to it I hardly felt anything.  I will always talk to you thru the whole treatment to make sure you are doing alright if not we change what I am doing.  


After I get thru treating you the number one question I hear is how long will the positive effect or possible soreness last.  Everyone is different so I warn everyone you may not notice a positive effect for up to one week same thing for soreness may last up to one week.  Most patients notice soreness for 1-2 days.

There are no restrictions after treatment you may return to your normal activity.  If you just injured yourself be smart if something hurts to do it don't do it give your body time to recover.  Also I know you want to see if acupuncture works and try to do what you know was an issue prior to your treatment but please do not.  Think about it this way if you have not worked out in a really long time the muscles are weak same thing if a muscle has not been functioning properly for a long time we have to wake it up or turn it on slowly.

I want to see you 1 time a week for 4 weeks then we will re-evaluate to make sure that acupuncture is working for you and determine your Care Plan. These first appointments are all scheduled at your first appointment after I have done your evaluation to see if I can help you where I make sure that we keep making positive improvement.  


I look forward to working with you to get your life back pain free or just to help your body function at a higher capacity.

Julie Palmer, AP

New Patient Orthopedic Appointment - $275
(around 1 hour in office) 

Appointment may consist of any of the following treatments: Trigger Point Acupuncture, Motor Point Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Traditional Acupuncture, Electro Acupuncture, Frequency Specific Microcurrent.

Follow Up Treatment 
(Length of Treatment Varies)

$135 Basic Follow Up

$150 Intermediate Follow Up

 Appointment may consist of the following treatments: Trigger Point Acupuncture, Motor Point Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Traditional Acupuncture, Electro Acupuncture, Frequency Specific Microcurrent

New Patient Body Optimization Appointment - $350
(around 1 1/2 hour in office) 
Appointment may consist of reviewing current bloodwork or ordering bloodwork as needed. 
Bring any previous testing done.  Will step back and look at the root cause of what is going on with your body to either work at making your body function optimally or to help restore optimal  digestion, energy, and body functions.  This may consist of looking at a drop of your blood.


Follow Up Body Optimization Appointment - $175
(Length of Treatment Varies)

 Appointment may consist of reviewing any testing as well as reviewing a drop of blood to see what is going on in real time. 

Calm Lake
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